Steam link app
Steam link app

steam link app

You can find the setting in the advanced menu. Valve also mentioned in an email that the Steam Link app itself has also recently been upgraded, to allow streaming at 90FPS and 120FPS across all platforms. Valve has already done a quick improvement on that to allow you to make as many invites as you want now for many people to join you, providing the game supports multiple players and your network bandwidth can handle it. Steam Link is the application that lets you stream games from one PC to another device, and now with Invite Anyone people without a Steam account can join you in Remote Play Together.ĭo note, you're going to want to be in the Steam Client Beta to get the most up to date features.įor Remote Play Together - Invite Anyone, you need to send a link from your friends list in the Steam Overlay to others which they use to join through the Steam Link app.Good for turning local multiplayer titles into an online game with friends. Remote Play Together allows you to host a game for others to join, they don't need to own it.If you need to find your IP address, check out our articles on how to find your IP address on a Windows computer, or how to find it on a Mac computer.Along with finally releasing the Linux client of the Steam Link app, Valve has also been making steady improvements to Steam Link and Remote Play Together. If you search for a device, you will need to enter your computer's hostname - one of its names associated with its network connection - or its IP address. Your Steam Link will automatically detect available computers that are currently running Steam.

steam link app

You'll have the option to adjust your screen display, as well as select your refresh rate and resolution.ĥ. These are basic settings to help set up the Steam Link on your TV. Once the Steam Link is powered on, you'll see a couple of screens appear. Make sure you have a mouse and keyboard or controller, as you'll need it for the rest of the installation process.Ĥ. Each Steam Link package includes a power cable, ethernet cable, and an HDMI cable. Be sure to keep your computer on while setting up your Steam link until the installation is complete.ģ.

Steam link app